
Employers are invited to pledge their support to the Charter to demonstrate their commitment to making UK Hiring faster, fairer, and safer.

Our Patron

A headshot of a man in a suit

Lord Lucas

Lord Lucas's full title is The Lord Lucas. He is a current member of the House of Lords and remains an active backbencher, taking interest in education, employment, planning and finance.
'‘I am delighted to support this important work, and to support the work of the Better Hiring Institute more generally, one of the largest employer bodies active in the UK'

Lord Lucas

The Better Hiring Charter has been developed by experts across industry, Government, and the third sector to improve the way the UK hires. In conjunction with the Government's Back to Work Plan, the Charter is designed to help get more people into work by making UK Hiring faster, fairer and safer. To boost the economy, improve productivity, and enhance the UK's competitiveness abroad, UK Hiring needs to be better for everyone. The Better Hiring Institute are working to make UK Hiring the fastest globally, the fairest in the world, and the safest it can be.

The Charter is made up of 10 broad principles for employers to comply with. The principles themselves have been developed over many months through collaboration with hundreds of organisations, through sessions in Parliament, and alongside Government and academic advisors.

The Better Hiring Institute (BHI) was set up in 2020 between industry and UK Government to modernise and improve UK Hiring. Today the Better Hiring Institute works with over 10,000 organisations and its National UK Hiring Framework covers 80% of the workforce with standardised best practice for employers by way if the Better Hiring Toolkits. The BHI works closely with many Government departments to bring about the changes needed to drive UK Hiring forward.

The BHI has a patron in the House of Lords, and an Advisory Board from the private, public, and third sectors. To benefit from all the resources and to be involved in all the work being done with UK Government employers can join the BHI for free.

Support the Better Hiring Charter and help make hiring faster, fairer and safer.
To support the charter appoint a representative for your organisation, complete the details below and we will do the rest.
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